+44 207 394 30 90 (London)

Indar Máquinas Hidráulicas, S.L.

About the company

Indar, Ingeteam Group, is a leading power conversion Partner for its customers: energy generation (generators for wind, hydro, internal combustion, steam & gas), marine electric propulsion (motors & generators), industrial drives (motors) and submersible water pumping (motor pump sets). Its offering encompasses one stop-shop solutions for those sectors backed by strong R&D and Engineering capabilities. By addressing the challenges that our Customers face within different sectors Indar provides sustainable and efficient innovation. Its net sales totaled + EUR 200 million with 800 employees. As of 2019, Indar had 53 GW of installed power around the world.


Barrio Altamira, Polígono Txara s/n, 20200 Beasain (Gipuzkoa) Spain.



Gonzalo Subijana Puertas

Sales Manager for Latin America, Indar Submersible Pumps and Motors

Online business card

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