+44 207 394 30 90 (London)

Gerencia Ambiental

About the company

¡The multiplatform media about business sustainability in Latin America and the Caribbean!

Gerencia Ambiental has specialized in the Environment and Business Sustainability for more than 30 years, focusing on topics of great interest. Technological innovations, renewable energies, water and its use, effluents, good agricultural and livestock practices, sustainable cities, sustainable tourism, green finance, mining, oil and gas, corporate social responsibility, corporate compliance, industrial safety, occupational health, and logistics are some of the sections that we write about with dedication, thanks to the contribution of prestigious specialists.

Robison Souza

Solutions Director Hexagon South America

Dirceu Vaneli

Manager, Hexagon Colombia

Rodrigo Ormezzano

Regional Owners Operators Segment Director

Online business card

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    If you have any questions, please contact us:

    +44 207 394 3090 (London)

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